Programs for Adults

Book Chat

We choose a new book each month from a different genre and author and offer several copies to be checked out. The group meets on the third Thursday of each month where we share our thoughts of the book we read. Since everyone has their own perspective, book chat allows for a healthy discussion in an open and friendly environment. We also discuss what everyone has read over the last month, which gives us more ideas about what we might like to read going forward. Join us for good company, conversation, snacks, and laughs. 

Crochet Group

Do you know how to crochet? Ever wanted to learn how to crochet? This is the perfect group for you. We get together and work on our own projects, and always have someone available that can teach you how to get started. What do I need to bring you ask? All that is required for a beginner is a hook (size H or I), a ball of regular yarn in a lighter color is easier, and a can do attitude. Crochet group meets every other Monday (besides the Monday of city council meetings.) Crochet group is on a break for summer months and will resume in the fall.

Summer Reading Program 

We offer fun prizes, a Kickoff to Summer Reading Party, and a Summer Reading Program Party for children, teens, and adults who complete our summer reading bingo sheets! This year's theme is Read, Renew, Repeat and our end of the year party is set for July 29th from 5-7. Bingo sheets must be turned in by July 8th. Contact us with any further questions.

Misc. Programming for Adults

We offer other programs for adults including macrame classes, recipe swaps, plant swaps, cupcake decorating, and more. Be sure to check out our calendar and follow us on Facebook for new and exciting events coming soon! Have an idea for an event/program that you would like to be offered at the Bennett Public Library? We would love to hear it and create more educational and exciting opportunities for the community! Please reach out to Paige to set something up.